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Galway 4: The Fourth Galway Topology Colloquium at Birmingham
September 11-13, 2000
The University of Birmingham
Birmingham, UK

Chris Good (University of Birmingham)

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Topology Dictionary and Topology Encyclopaedia
David McIntyre
University of Auckland

I will describe a new website that I will be developing over the next few years. It will contain a comprehensive list of topological definitions (the Topology Dictionary) and a collection of theorems and examples (the Topology Encyclopaedia). The goal will be for users to be able to ask questions like “Suppose X is compact and Hausdorff: must it be productively normal?”. In response the Encyclopaedia would give either a sequence of theorems which give an affirmative answer, or a list of counterexamples in cases where the answer is negative. A key feature of both tools is that users would be able to submit new information (definitions, theorems or examples) for inclusion into the system.

Date received: September 7, 2000

Copyright © 2000 by the author(s). The author(s) of this document and the organizers of the conference have granted their consent to include this abstract in Atlas Mathematical Conference Abstracts. Document # cafq-11. cts. Document # cafq-11.