There are several funding schemes available to start a PhD under my supervision. The most common ones are offered by the Hardiman Foundation, the Irish Research Council, the NUI Galway College of Science; look them up. Possibly you might have access to specific schemes, such as the Travelling Studentships from the National University of Ireland if you are an NUI graduate.

Please contact me real early (in November at the latest) if you're planning on applying to one of those calls, as they are very competitive and the application process is quite involved.

Another possibility is that I become your co-supervisor if you're already based somewhere. NUI Galway indeed allows for a Joint PhD Degree with other universities. Although that's a lot of admin work, it's always worth it in my opinion. In the past I negotiated Joint Degrees between the Universite Pierre & Marie Curie and, in turn, the University of Glasgow, the Universita del Salento, and University College Dublin. There are several "top-up" grants available for these agreements.

Most of all, contact my former students (see under the "Teaching" tab above) to find out what it's like to work with me!


There are also several funding schemes available to work as a post-doctoral fellow with me. In the past I had success with the schemes proposed by the Irish Research Council and the Marie Curie Actions; look them up. There are also some specific schemes, such as those of the National University of Ireland or of the COFUND actions implemented in some European countries.

Again, please contact me real early (at the least three months before the deadline) if you're planning on applying to one of those calls.


I have a long list of collaborators, see below and under the "publications" tab above.
Typically I get in touch with someone or they contact me, and we write a paper together! That's all there is to it.

List of my 64 collaborators so far:
Z. Abiza, A. Ni Annaidh, M. Ben Amar, Ph. Boulanger, K. Bruyere, G. Byrne, Y. Cao, M. Cassidy, J. Ciambella, P. Ciarletta, B. Collet, C.D. Coman, M. Curtis, B. Mac Donald, B. Dubus, E. Flecher, Y. Fu, G. Gaeta, P. Garda, M.D. Gilchrist, A. Goriely, A.L. Gower, T. Gryba, M. Hayes, C.O. Horgan, Y. Jiang, P. Jordan, M. Karouia, G.S. Kassab, S. Keenan, P.-Y. Lagree, P. Leprince, G. Li, S. Liang, Y. Liu , R. Mangan, P.A. Martin, G.A. Maugin, C. Maurini, J. Mazeyrat, J.P. McGarry, J. Merodio, J. Motherway, J.G. Murphy, D.R. Nolan, R.W. Ogden, M. Ottenio, R. De Pascalis, A.V. Pichugin, D.A. Prikazchikov, L.-X. Qian, B. Rashid, E. Rodrigues Ferreira, G.A. Rogerson, O. Romain, G. Saccomandi, N.H. Scott, I. Sgura, M. Shams, T.C.T. Ting, R. Vandiver, L. Vergori, M. Vianello, V. Zhang.